الاسراء فارما سوتيكال اوبتيما
الاسراء فارما سوتيكال اوبتيما ا الرعاة الرسميون لمجلة مستثمري مدينة بدر
We are dedicating to serve community with premium health care products using advanced technology of our state-of-the-art factory and high caliber employees to ensure high growth rate and affordable high rank products availability in MENA region by the year 2020, satisfying stakeholders‘ for long-term returns.
Meanwhile, we invest in our employees’ development, our main assets, giving them career path opportunities for our ambitious expansion plans.
We feel responsible for protecting our environment and natural resources, keeping good healthy conditions for our community.
Head Office
El Serag Mall, 3rd Tower, Entrance, (6) 5th Floore, Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt.
Tell: +202 2274 2086 Fax: +202 2274 2174
Email: marketing.department@esraapharma.com
Plot 17, Fourth Industrial Zone, Badr Industrial City, Cairo, Egypt.
Tel: +202 2864 7886 Fax: +202 2864 7885
Alexandria Office, Egypt
Smouha, Sayadla Buildings (5).
Tel: +203 4244908
Tanta Office, Egypt
Ibn Al Farid St, Safa Tower.
Tel: +20 111 0444 752
Upper Egypt Office, Egypt
Ibn Moslema St. Sohag.
Tel: +20 111 0444 754
Adverse Drug Reports
Email: pv@esraapharma.com